Icon Painting - Holy Arts "Perigraptos"

The company "Perigraptos" was founded by Nikolaos Tsiotras in 1991 and later added talented Byzantine iconographers and mosaicists, experienced conservators and experts in the gold-glazed gilding and wood carving to its personnel. In cooperation with the Holy Cell of Aghioi Makarioi in Mount Athos, the company provides a full set of services concerning ecclesiastic arts and decoration.

The indulgence into the secrets of Byzantine arts, the application of high craftsmanship and the fully performance of plasticity in the artwork of "Perigraptos" during its long course, haselected the workshop as a firm that stands apart thanks to its flawless aesthetic outcome as well as quality. The professional spirit of our personnel and the wide variety of our services outline the profile of "Perigraptos" as a contemporary firm that possesses the ability and the knowledge to stand up to the highest demands of any work of art. In this framework, the working group of "Perigraptos" develops its course of action, by approaching, studying and realizing its mission. The staff devotes utmost importance to detail, expression and movementof the figures and the themes in order to supply the icon with an essence of ‘presence’ and introduce the viewer in an intimate relationship and contact with the substance of the Holy Image that is represented.


ADDRESS: Christomanos and Riginou, Larisa,
Greece, PO 41447
PHONE-FAX: +30 2410530495
MOBILE: +30 6976983918, +30 6978542305
E-MAIL: info@perigraptos.eu

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Copyright © 2025 Icon Painting - Holy Arts "Perigraptos"
Design & Development by George Raptis | http://www.georap.gr | info@georap.gr